Spiritual Coaching

Depth-Work & Integration

Virtual Sessions

Why Spiritual Coaching?

Sometimes we have big decisions to make, life paths to choose between, or a sense of being stuck in a holding-pattern - and nothing we do seems to get us any closer to resolution or change.

When we have unresolved emotional or energetic blockages in our bodies, we operate from unconscious patterning. We don’t understand why we can’t make a decision, keep choosing poorly, or continue to behave or relate to others in ways that don’t serve ourselves. In short, we stay stuck.

“Caroline’s intuitive nature has led me to confront my limitations. She has the structural awareness of an architect and the mind of a wise old woman. Very grateful for the journey she has taken me on.”

— N. K., middle school teacher


Spiritual Coaching can help you…

  • reframe experiences that haunt you and integrate them into your Life Journey

  • reveal and transform ingrained archetypal patterning in how you relate to yourself and others

  • process and shed emotional baggage

  • discover your personal mythology to live more authentically

  • deepen your connection to Self, intuition (Higher Self), and Spirit

  • illuminate your path when it feels like you’re stumbling around in the dark

Spiritual Coaching is a process of reflection, self-discovery, and mindful change. We’ll focus on whatever aspects of your life or spiritual practices are important to you.


What to Expect

Sessions are conversation-based and may include:

  • Journaling

  • Guided meditation

  • Qigong

  • Chakra Dialogue

  • Energy work

  • Breathing exercises (pranayama)

  • Yoga poses

  • Therapeutic tremoring

  • Homework - recommended readings, daily practices, or journaling to help you continue to move toward the shifts you desire


Spiritual Coaching FAQs

  • Spiritual Coaching is depth-work and requires time for integration afterwards. I don’t have a recommendation for how frequently to book sessions - in my view, it needs to feel right to you each time you enter into this work.

    Unresolved emotions often surface during sessions, begging to be processed. We may uncover unconscious patterns and behaviors that require time to become aware of in daily life. I’ll provide you with tools to process and continue your self-awareness work after each session, but you need to allow yourself time to put what we’ve discussed into action and process whatever has come up for you.

    Some clients work with me weekly as part of their on-going spiritual journey. Some clients prefer to book monthly or quarterly sessions to allow themselves to integrate whatever was revealed in session. Some clients work with me only during big life changes or when they have a major emotional experience that needs guidance to process. Listen to yourself in deciding how often to book coaching sessions!

  • Yes!

    Spiritual Coaching isn’t about learning an established religious or spiritual practice. This work is about recognizing and honoring the unity of your mind, body, and spirit to help you live authentically, regardless of spiritual beliefs.

    The term “spiritual” means different things to different people. In this context, it is simply an acknowledgment of the reality of the immaterial and unknowable aspects of our experiences in our bodies and our lives. It doesn’t matter, for our purposes, if you think of it as energy, qi, spirit, soul, essence, higher self, etc., or if you have an established religious or spiritual practice. My intention is not to challenge or convert clients, but to help illuminate whatever path they choose to be on.

  • Chakra Dialogue is an intentional meditation: a conversation with your physical, emotional, and energetic bodies to help clarify the root of a pattern or blockage and get a sense of what your deeper Self needs and desires.

    When we use it in a session, I’ll lead you through a guided mediation of your chakra system and we’ll discuss our impressions afterwards. As you become familiar with the process, you’ll be able to dialogue with your chakras on your own.

  • No. I am not a licensed therapist and Spiritual Coaching is not intended to substitute for qualified psychotherapy or counseling. Anything discussed or recommended in Spiritual Couching should not in any way be construed as medical advice or as contradicting the advice of mental health professionals. Anyone with severe psychological or emotional disorders should seek treatment from qualified providers.

    What we do in Spiritual Coaching is shift perspective and create self-awareness to enhance and find meaning in this collective spiritual journey we call “Life”. Many of my clients use Spiritual Coaching to supplement other therapies. For clients dealing with trauma resolution and PTSD, I always recommend concurrent licensed therapy as part of their healing tool-kit.